Body Cleansing Teas
Another factor in good health may come by cleaning out toxins in the body. Cleansers in the form of pills may clean out the body, but also can cause some side effects as nausea. There are some teas which are also body cleansing. These include green tea which helps to relieve stress, tisane tea which serves as a cleanser and diuretic, artichoke tea which may help with the heart and circulation. Essiac tea has been used as an immune booster.
Green Tea
Green tea originates from China, made completely of leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The tea contains caffeine, but its positive features include serving as an oxidant and a body cleanser.
Research has stated that green tea helps block the oxidation of bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, as well as increasing circulation.
A Chinese study from the Archives of Internal Medicine showed between 50 to 65 percent reduce in stress among those who used green tea. The benefit: green tea naturally reduces stress and lowers the body's release of cortisol, a stress-battling hormone. Those who've benefited from the tea showed lower amounts of cortisol released into the body.
Drink two cups of green tea every day, steeping each cup 3 to 5 minutes for maximum benefit.
Tisane tea
Tisane isn't solely from the tea plant Camellia Sinensis, but rather a combination of plants. It's composed of a variety of leaves, seeds, roots and dried flowers.
This form of tea is another cleansing tea that's one of the most well known detox and cleansing teas. It also serves as a laxative and diuretic, flushing out solid and fluid waste.
As opposed to green tea, this tea is caffeine free so you can drink multiple cups. However, drinking large quantities may affect your bodily functions and cause you to use the bathroom more than usual.
Artichoke tea
Artichoke tea may have many health benefits over time.
It helps with to clean the digestive system but also helps to battle cold and flu symptoms. Derived from the artichoke plant, artichoke powder used for the tea is used naturally to treat cardio-vascular and vital organs.
Originated from the Mediterranean and Carthage areas, artichoke tea has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes over the centuries.
The tea includes vitamins A and B, and natural iron and magnesium. Besides supporting the heart, potential benefits include lowering cholesterol and eliminating fat.
Steep the tea bag for 3 minutes and serve. Drink twice daily.
Essiac tea
Essiac tea is an internal cleanser and has been researched for potential cancer-fighting qualities. The tea is combined with echinacea and thistle.
It's caffeine free and is healthy, so you can have as much as you desire.
Canadian nurse Rene Caisse used the tea in the 1930s to fight immune system problems. This included essiac benefits for the heart, liver, kidneys and more.
Other teas
Oksusu Cha tea is made using corn kernels, added to boiling water and strained. The tea serves as a diuretic. But it's also used to battle the sweet tooth, as its sweet and can replace those sugary foods.
Another tea is to consider of is the dill tea, administered for smoother digestion. Dill tea is a good laxative and takes away certain chemicals in the urine.