Detox Diet with Lemon Water

The Lemonade Diet, or the Master Cleanse Diet, is a popular detox diet that singer Beyonce Knowles and Howard Stern Radio's Robin Quivers have publicly admitted to trying as a way to lose weight fast. The diet is a daily regimen of drinking a concoction that allegedly eliminates junk food cravings, makes you feel more energetic and detoxes your body as you lose weight.
  1. How the diet works

    • The drink is made of pure filtered water, organic lemons, organic cayenne pepper, grade B organic maple syrup, sea salt or Epsom salt and an optional laxative tea. You drink this mixture several times a day as a replacement for food to rid your body of harmful toxins. The optional tea is to help remove the toxins by excreting them into your body's waste.

      You can stay on this diet for up to 14 days. After the 14th day, you slowly progress to eating solid foods. The first day off the detox diet you can drink orange juice. The second day you can drink orange juice and eat vegetable soup. The third day you can eat whole vegetables, fruit and salad. Normal eating is allowed on day four.

    Cons to the detox diet

    • Obviously extreme hunger would be a major factor in why this diet is very hard to stick with. People are accustomed to eating several meals a day and complain of feeling faint and dizzy after being on this diet for even one day. People also complain of loose stools and frequent bowel movements because of the addition of the laxative tea and saltwater. You should never undergo an extreme detox diet without talking to your doctor first.

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