3-Day Total Body Cleanse
Consider a Fast
Fasting has been a part of health practices for centuries. Today, fasting is mainly used as a method for cleaning out the body. Many of the wastes, chemicals and toxins that we have in our bodies come from the foods we eat, the beverages we drink and the air we breathe. Other chemicals come from over-the-counter and prescription drugs. To rid the body of many of these materials, a fast is useful. During a fast, no food is eaten from one day to one month, though most fasts are only a few days long. Obviously, you continue to drink water during the three day detox because a person cannot survive for long without water. Fasts work by allowing the body to focus on self-cleansing and self-healing instead of digesting, processing and eliminating food. Digestion uses a great supply of energy; a fast uses this energy for cleansing the whole body. A three-day fast will remove the most wastes, but even doing a one or two day fast is helpful. Do only what you feel comfortable doing. Consult your doctor if you have any worries about the safety of a fast. Please remember that a fast is optional for a detox program. It is just one of a few methods of cleansing the body you can utilize. And also please note that you don't have to fast all three days. You can fast just one day or even half a day. It is up to you.
Drink Fluids
It is important to drink plenty of water each day during the detoxification process. Experts usually recommend drinking at least 64 ounces. The water enters all the organs and tissues of the body and flushes out unwanted toxins and waste. Water also dilutes any poisons that might have entered the body. Drinking water also helps to facilitate bowel movements. While drinking water may not be the fastest way to detox, it is necessary for flushing away toxins.
Aerobic Exercise
It is best to exercise each day during the three day detoxification. Doing aerobic exercise burns the fat that is stored in the fatty deposits. By losing weight and fat you also remove toxins and other harmful wastes from the body. Any type of cardiovascular exercise is good, such as swimming, cycling, jogging, walking and dancing. Try to work out at least 20 minutes each of the three days. The physical activity will give you more energy, get the heart pumping and build up a sweat. A good sweat also releases toxins through the pores.