How Long Should I Fast to Colon Cleanse?
The Recipe
The Master Cleanse recipe is easily prepared at home with a few ingredients from the grocery store--preferably organic. The recipe for one glass of lemonade calls for 2 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbsp. of grade B maple syrup, and a pinch, or 1/10 tbsp. of cayenne pepper. Add these ingredients to 8 oz. of distilled water and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Drink eight glasses of this mixture per day. If you are feeling constipated, drink a cup of laxative tea like Get Regular Tea in the morning and before bed. You can drink as much water as you want, but otherwise the only drinks or food you should consume during the colon cleanse are the laxative tea and the lemonade mixture.
The Benefits
Several books have been written on the benefits of the Master Cleanse, including "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs and "The Complete Master Cleanse: A Step-by-Step Guide to Maximizing the Benefits of The Lemonade Diet" by Tom Woloshyn. The diet works by flushing the body completely of any toxins in the colon, which can leave an individual feeling sluggish or sick. Once the toxins have been eliminated, the body can function properly and with energy.
How Long to Cleanse
The duration of the Master Cleanse Diet has been recommended for as few as three days, to as many as 45 days. The amount of time you spend on the Master Cleanse diet depends entirely on your body's strength and resilience. If you, for example, feel you are getting the flu, you should discontinue the Master Cleanse to prevent essential vitamins from being lost while you are fighting your illness. If you are feeling fine on the Master Cleanse Diet after three days, continue for one week. If you are feeling fine after one week, consider two. The average recommended duration time changes from book to book, but one week is a safe limit to strive for.