Seven Day Detox Directions
Consume Daily Supplements
Most seven-day detox plans stipulate that patients refrain from eating solid food and instead consume two or three herbal supplements daily. These supplements contain essential vitamins and minerals that nourish the body and help cleanse the blood and urinary tract. Ingredients commonly included in these supplements include green tea extract, licorice root, milk thistle seed, echinacea purpurea extract, peppermint, turmeric, pomegranate and dandelion leaf. Many of these ingredients have a long history of medicinal use, and are considered highly effective and rejuvenating for the skin, hair and vital tissues.
Reduce Toxins in the Body
In addition to consuming daily herbal supplements, most seven-day detox plans encourage patients to refrain from negative activity, including drinking alcohol and smoking. Additionally, illegal drug use is strongly discouraged, as the body is attempting to flush existing toxins in the system. To aid in the excretion of toxins, patients are advised to drink eight glasses or more of water daily. Drinking tea, including green and white teas, will also assist in increasing antioxidants in the body during the detox process.
Rest and Relax
For optimal results, patients completing a seven-day detox plan are advised to rest and refrain from any unnecessary physical activity. Because patients are consuming only herbal supplements, and not solid food, patients will likely feel weak and tired. Patients should also aim to receive between seven and eight hours of sleep each night to allow the body to rest and recover. Performing the detox during a period of low activity, including a summer or holiday break, is preferred, as patients may feel too weak to work or concentrate.