The Most Gentle, Least Invasive Way of Colon Cleansing
You should have around the house enough fruits and vegetable for three days, enough oranges to make 4 liters of orange juice for two days, and organic sea salt.
To properly and gently cleanse your colon will take approximately four days. A good cleansing takes a bit of preparation and without first stepping down your diet, the process will be quite uncomfortable. Make sure you have scheduled this process when and where it will be convenient for you.
First day
Stop eating meat and other solid foods, save for the fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water. If you become dehydrated, the lack of fiber could cause constipation.
Second day
Today you will juice all your fruits and vegetables. They can be pulpy if you desire and you can mix with water for taste. It will be most helpful if you juice enough for the entire day in the morning. Continue drinking plenty of water. The nutrients in the fruits and vegetables will meet your body's nutritional requirements.
Third day
Juice enough oranges to make 2 liters of orange juice and consume it over the entire day. Two liters is your limit, so ration appropriately. Mix it with water until it is palatable for you. Add 2 tablespoons of maple syrup to meet your body's caloric requirements.
Last day
Continue with your orange juice mixture and routine. Preferably in the evening you are going to make a solution of saltwater: 1 liter of room temperature water mixed with 1 tablespoon of organic sea salt; table salt will not work. Drink the entire contents. There will be a bad aftertaste, and you might want to consider drinking it all in one shot to avoid the post-drink gag reflex. You will need to be near a bathroom within the hour. Expect two to four formidable bowel movements followed by another three to four smaller ones. Of course this will differ for everyone.
Day after
Your stomach has shrunken and you haven't had any solid food for three days, so it is recommended that you have a day of fruits and vegetables to step back into solid foods.