When Do I Need a Colon Cleanse?
Irregular Bowel Movements
It is normal to move your bowels once a day on average, although people who consume lots of calories may move their bowels twice. Bowel movements should be painless, without any straining. Excreted waste should be solid, not runny or liquidy, and it should be brownish or green in color. It does not matter whether it sinks or floats, as the density of the stool depends upon what you ate. If you move your bowels more or less frequently, your fecal matter is not the right consistency, or you are straining when you move your bowels, you may need a colon cleanse.
Other Signs You May Need a Cleanse
Constipation (the inability to move your bowels, or experiencing strain when you try to move your bowels) is the most common sign that you need a colon cleanse. A general feeling of ill health, headaches, feeling sluggish, or experiencing sleep interruptions can also be a sign that your colon needs to be cleansed. Finally, bloating or the feeling that you still need to move your bowels even when you have just gone, can also be indicative of the presence of impacted waste in your colon.
Foods that Lead to a Cleanse
If you are eating a lot of foods that are likely to cause digestive problems and/or cause waste to linger in your colon, you may want to do a cleanse to avoid a buildup of toxins. Since impacted fecal matter can increase a colons weight from a normal 1 pound to ten times its normal size, a great deal of waste can become impacted before you ever experience symptoms. Thus, knowing when foods are likely to build up can help you make a decision about the need for cleansing. Foods most likely to cause waste to linger too long in the colon include fried foods, meat, caffeine, soda, white sugar and white flour.