Maple Syrup, Lemon Juice & Cayenne Pepper Cleanse
What Is It?
The maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper cleanse is a strict dieting program that allows its users to only consume one thing while on it: a drink formulated of maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper. This drink claims to clean out your body from unnatural toxins that cause you to feel sluggish, sick and fat. While The Master Cleanse isn't touted as a weight loss program, it does boast weight loss as one of its benefits. Notably, the singer and actress Beyonce completed the maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper cleanse in preparation for her role in the Academy Award-nominated movie "Dreamgirls." The maple syrup provides your body with complex sugars that it needs for energy, while the lemon juice is acidic to rid the body of toxins, and the cayenne pepper supresses your eppetite so that you can complete the cleanse.
How Do You Do It?
You begin The Master Cleanse by preparing your maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper cleansing drink. This consists of 2 tbsp. lemon or lime juice, 2 tbsp. of maple syrup (note that this is not maple-flavored syrup, but actual, genuine maple syrup.) 1/10 of a tsp. of cayenne pepper and water. You can make the drink warm or hot, depending on your preference. Mix the first three ingredients, and then add your water in a 10 oz. glass. This mixture is to be drunk anytime you feel hungry, or at any regular meal times. The Master Cleanse is usually done for 10 days, but you can do it for up to 40 if need be.
Side Effects
Some of The Master Cleanse users report a better feeling of health and vitality, more energy and rapid weight loss. However, you may also notice some side effects as well. After all, you're effectively not eating any food for as long as the cleanse is happening. Some users report tiredness. You may also experience hot bowel movements, nausea and vomiting and severe irritability. If you want to try the maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper cleanse, always talk to your health care provider to ensure that you are healthy enough to do so.