Liquid Detox Diet for Weight Loss
Liquid Detox Premise
By replacing solid food with liquids, your body does not need to use metabolic energy to break down complex carbohydrates and proteins. Protein in particular is very hard on the liver and kidneys. By consuming only water and juice, nutrients go directly to the intestines to be absorbed. You will most likely consume less calories and draw on fat reserves for metabolic function, thus burning off weight. Additionally, your body is able to release toxins that have built up and can flush them out. Many people find they are able to lose five to 10 pounds with a week's detox.
In order to effectively do a liquid detox, you need to prepare your body. Prior to the detox you should consume only fresh fruit and vegetables for at least two days. This prepares your stomach for less bulk and will help prepare you mentally for the hunger pangs.
There are many liquid detox diets, but all work on the same premise. Replace solid food with liquids that help your body more readily absorb nutrients. Depending on the diet, a detox may last anywhere from one to 10 days. During this time you consume only water and juice. It is best to consume fresh-squeezed juices because antioxidants degenerate quickly once exposed to air. Avoid processed juices that contain sugar or syrups, as these impede the process.
When you are finished with the detox, there is still work to do. You must reintroduce solid food to your system. This may be the most frustrating part. Since you have survived not eating, you will be tempted to chow down on that BLT at the closest diner. Don't. Start with fresh fruit and vegetables on the first day, and add small amounts of bread and meat on the second. This will also help create a lasting adjustment of eating less now that your stomach is smaller.
Consult your doctor prior to starting any detox diet, as it may not be suitable for you. When doing the liquid detox diet, know that your body is releasing stored toxins that may be responsible for fatigue and lethargy in your day-to-day endeavors. You may also feel sick. This is not uncommon and will subside.
It is important to be aware of how your body is responding to the detox. Feeling like you have a cold is normal. Don't plan a detox when you have a heavy schedule. Give yourself time to rest. Drink up to 3 liters of liquid per day. If you become light-headed for an extended period of time or dizzy, consult a doctor immediately. This may be the result of an electrolyte imbalance caused by too much liquid and not enough minerals.