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How to Alter the Master Cleanse Diet Successfully
Things You'll Need
- Master Cleanse Diet knowledge
When adding your lemon juice to your water mix, add some lemon peel bits in your mix by using a zesting tool and scraping it against your lemon. Remember to use only organic lemons. This is highly important since the whole point of a Master Cleanse Diet is NO CHEMICALS.
Don't be afraid to drink just plain old water every now and then. You don't have to drink the lemon juice mix 24/7. It's even recommended that for every 4 glasses of lemon juice mix you drink, you should drink one glass of plain water.
Sick and tired of lemons? Alternate a day or two of your 10 to 40 day Master Cleanse Diet with grapefruit juice. Just substitute grapefruit juice for lemon juice. Don't tweak anything else. Then, watch those pounds drop.