Whole Body Cleanse Information

Body cleansing is an attempt to clean the body of toxins that we ingest through food and liquid consumption or respiration. These toxins are often environmental pollutants or chemicals and can decrease optimal organ function. The Whole Body Cleanse system is an internal detoxification procedure that works to clean internal toxic buildup with the use of herbs and other natural ingredients.
  1. Cleansing Phases

    • The Whole Body Cleanse comes in a kit that contains all of the necessary ingredients to perform a body detoxification procedure. The product purports to cleanse, detoxify and finally rejuvenate the body by using a patented three-step system. The cleansing procedure lasts two weeks and has two specific phases. According to detoxreviews.com the Phase 1 cleansing lasts seven days and helps to get rid of toxins in the intestines by binding to them and increasing elimination by initiating bile flow. Phase 2 continues through days eight to 14 and helps to increase the flow of bile that will further increase elimination.

    Super Milk Thistle Cleansing formula

    • The Whole Body Cleanse formula works to detox your body by combining artichoke leaf, dandelion root, and licorice with milk thistle. The recommended serving size is one Ultracap every night for the first seven days of the cleansing and then one Ultracap in the morning and two more at night on days eight through 14. The Ultracap measuring cup is included in the cleansing kit.

    Fiber Fusion

    • The fiber fusion portion of the cleanse is meant to increase bowel and colon health by increasing bowel movement and removal of impacted material. It uses psyllium husk, guar gum, oat bran, pectin and marshmallow root in a proprietary fiber blend. The serving size is four Ultracaps in the morning and four at night. Servings should be consumed with at least 8 oz. of water to increase absorption. This is taken for the full 14 days of the cleanse.

    Laxative Formula

    • The laxative formula of the whole body cleanse is taken in tablet form for the duration of the two-week cleansing period. Ingest three tablets with an 8 oz. glass of water for days one through seven and then two tablets with an 8 oz. glass of water for days eight through 14. This may cause some abdominal discomfort. Enzymatictherapy.com recommends decreasing the dosage if you feel stomach pain and stopping altogether if discomfort becomes severe. The product contains fennel seed, peppermint, ginger extract, slippery elm, fenugreek, marshmallow and red clover to help cleanse the colon, bowel and gastrointestinal tract.


    • To increase cleansing effects of the Whole Body Cleanse, eliminate processed foods and saturated fats from your diet. In addition, do not consume caffeine and foods high in fiber that are hard to digest, including meat. Refined sugars should be avoided during the cleansing procedure. Foods such as raw vegetables and fruits can be consumed in abundance. In addition, yogurt and milk are helpful for their probiotic qualities. Probiotics help to increase the healthy bacteria in the bowel that contribute to a healthy balance. Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily to help flush toxins and increase nutrient absorption.

    Side Effects

    • You may have an increase or a decrease in bowel movements and possibly some stomach upset due to an increase in fiber. In addition, you might notice a change in color and texture of excrement. Reduce laxative intake if bowel movements become uncomfortable or overly frequent. You might initially feel tired if you eliminate caffeine, but should experience increased energy as the bowel cleansing progresses. According to vitalhealthpartners.com, using cleansing laxatives and diuretics may cause short-term weight loss, but the weight will likely return because it is a loss of water and not fat.

    Purchasing Information

    • The Whole Body Cleanse system is available online at the enzymatictherapy.com website for $29.95 and is available in some health food stores as well. It comes in a kit that includes everything that is necessary to perform the body cleansing procedure.

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