What to Do Before Starting the Master Cleanse Diet
Before You Start
Before starting the Master Cleanse diet, there are a few steps you should take.
First, gather all your supplies to create the recipe, which include: pure filtered water; grade B organic maple syrup; formaldehyde-free, organic cayenne pepper; organic lemons; and sea salt. Optional items include herbal laxative tea and natural herbal tea.You want to make sure you are mentally prepared because if you aren't, you are setting yourself up for failure. At least three days before you start the diet, grab a calendar and mark the day you are going to start. Hang the calendar somewhere visible, so that every time you walk past it you are reminded about your start date.
Write it Down and Keep Busy
Get a notebook or computer, and write down the benefits you will achieve by following this diet. Writing down your every thought motivate you; you can go back and look at your words as a reminder of why you started the diet.
While you are on your Master Cleanse diet, make sure you plan activities so that you don't break your diet. Keeping yourself busy will keep you from constantly thinking about food.
Detox Your Cupboards
On the night before you start your diet, go through your cupboards and get rid of any potential food traps you might fall into. You don't have to throw the food away; just get rid of it. Give it to friends or family, or even donate it to a charity.
Remember that this is a 10-day-long diet, and while you may think you can resist food that is in your cupboard, it will become quite difficult after a few days on the Master Cleanse.
Always consult your doctor before starting this diet, especially if you are on prescription medication.