Cayenne Detox Diet
Ease-in Phase
Some individuals may chose to skip the ease-in phase. However, those who have never done such a diet should probably go through this phase to prepare for the main part of the diet. The ease-in phase takes three days. On the first day, dieters can eat unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables and nothing else. On the second day, dieters should consume fruit and vegetable juices or soup broths only. On the third day, dieters should drink 2 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice along with water. Two tbsp. of maple syrup should be mixed in with the orange juice.
Lemonade Diet Phase
During this phase, dieters will consume a special lemonade mix and unlimited amounts of water as well. The recipe for the lemonade contains 14 tbsp. of both lemon juice and maple syrup, 2 liters of water and 1/2-tsp. of cayenne pepper. More cayenne pepper can be added if desired. The lemonade mix should be rationed out through the day with water to drink in between. At the end of the day, dieters will need to complete a salt water flush to get all the toxins out of the body. The recipe for the salt water flush contains 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. of organic sea salt. Drink the entire liter of salt water at one time. After about an hour, bowel movements will begin and continue for about an hour. The sea salt solution cannot be digested by the body and will travel through the digestive system and then be excreted soon after consumption. The lemonade phase can last anywhere from three to seven days, depending on the dieter's choice.
Ease Out Phase
The ease-out phase is the reverse of the ease-in phase. On day one, dieters should drink 3 one-liter bottles of orange juice, along with 2 tbsp. of maple syrup added to the juice. On day two, dieters should drink only fruit and vegetable juices or soup broths. On day three, dieters should eat only fruits and vegetables. On day four, a regular diet can be resumed.