Quick Body Detox
Have a breakfast of fresh melon fruits like honeydew or watermelon. Melons contain water, which will help cleanse the body of toxins and keep things running smooth. Take a multivitamin in the morning to get the daily recommendation of vitamins and minerals.
Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can for lunch, since that will help with feeling hungry. Drink at least 64 ounces of water throughout the day, in addition to fresh vegetable juices to give additional nutrition to the diet.
Have a large salad filled with colored vegetables like carrots, beets and yellow, green and red peppers. Use a light vinaigrette and top with healthy nuts such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Sip green tea after dinner to help with digestion and get antioxidants into the body. Consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day will give the body the fiber it needs to get rid of the waste within the digestive system.
Other Methods
While the body alone works sufficiently to detox the body, using a few days to do a cleanse with fruits and vegetables helps restore eating habits as well as feeling rejuvenated from the lack of processed foods and sugars. While allowing the liver, kidney and colon to do their own work to detox the body, many individuals turn to products like skin detox cleansers, detox patches, detox supplements and detox cleanses. Skin detox cleansers wash away substance on the skin, but are not effective in removing toxins from the body. Patches promote sweating which release a small trace of toxins, but they are not very effective on a reasonable amount of toxin removal. Supplements are not always safe to use, and organs might work harder to get them out of the body than using a detox with natural fruits and vegetables. Finally, fad detox diets work for a couple days and help shed pounds, but they immediately return upon food consumption. The safest detox for the body is to have a fresh fruit and vegetable fast, and continue to eat a healthy, natural diet.