Healthy Indian Colon Detox Diets
How It Works
Ayurvedic medicine uses herbs and spices to help stimulate your digestive system to produce its own enzymes necessary for optimal digestion. In theory, using personalized Ayurvedic herbs and oils as well as probiotics (beneficial bacteria for your digestive system) helps remove toxins and restores balance to your body but always consult your health professional before embarking on any colon cleansing diet program to ensure it is right for you. The colon cleansing herb used is known as Triphala, which combines bibhitaki, haritaki and amalaki. Fiber products such as psyllium husk also prescribed. By ingesting these, along with increasing your water intake, you can facilitate the body's natural flushing process, removing any toxins collected. Increased fiber can also make you feel more full which helps you eat less and lose weight. Triphala may even be effective in fighting cancer.
What You Do
First, determine your dosha, or type: vatta (space and air), pitta (fire and water), or kapha (water and earth). Vatta types tend to be slim. Pitta types tend to be of more medium build, and Kapha types tend to be robust. As with any detox diet, restrict your diet to fruits, steamed vegetables, beans and nuts for a week to 10 days and minimize meat and fish as well as dairy and sugar. Then, purchase Triphala (available commercially in tablet, powder and capsule form) and supplementary fiber; then use as directed (typically taken in the evening) for seven to 10 days, drinking 10 8-oz. glasses of water a day. Finally, make adjustments in your diet based on your dosha type as describe previously. Vatta types should emphasize fluids in their diets to counteract dryness. Pitta types are counseled to include more dry foods in their diets, to balance liquids. Kapha dosha types should also include more dry foods in their diets, but to balance oils.
What You Can Expect
After following a healthy Indian colon cleanse diet, you can expect to remove toxins and revitalize your metabolism. By identifying your dosha, you may even restore your personal emotional balance and experience a greater sense of calm and healthy well-being. Since Triphala promotes internal cleansing, you may feel lighter and lose some unwanted pounds too. If you experience diarrhea, it may indicate an incorrect dosage and you should adjust your amount. Again, consult your health professional.