Intestinal Parasite Treatments
Pumpkin seeds have worked in the elimination of many types of worms and are especially effective at eliminating tapeworms. In Europe, 200 to 400 grams of pumpkin seeds, taken with milk and honey and followed by castor oil two hours later was recommended and used.
Herbal Combination
Black Walnut Hulls from the black walnut tree, wormwood taken from the Artemisia shrub, and common cloves from the clove tree have been combined and used in unison. As a matter of fact, all three must be taken together.
The cloves kill the eggs of the parasite while the Black walnut and the wormwood kill the adult parasites as well as the parasite in its developmental stages.
Herbal Remedies
Any herbal treatment must be taken before meals on an empty stomach. Herbalists have suggested that the host (the infected person) wait until right before the full moon to begin a treatment because parasites become active at that time. The treatment should start five days before a full moon and continue for two weeks.
Propolis is a substance collected by bees from leaf buds and the bark of trees. It assists in the protection against infections caused by parasites in the gastrointestinal tract. One study, published in the Rawal Medical Journal (2009, Jul - Dec) showed a 60 percent elimination rate.
Clarkia is a tincture used in enema water. This treatment will kill parasites hiding inside pockets of the colon. When preparing the enema, combine 30 to 90 drops of Clarkia with one liter of enema water.
Prevention of Reinfestation
After the parasites have been eliminated, there are several steps that can be taken to prevent reinfestation: drink only filtered water; do not swallow water while swimming, especially in lakes, ponds and rivers. Eat only well-cooked meat and fish; wash your hands, especially after using the bathroom.