How to Cleanse a Colon Fast
Things You'll Need
- Clear liquids (plenty of clear broth, bouillon, coffee, tea, juice, Gatorade, Italian ice, soda, Jell-O, and Popsicles; no dairy or pulp juice)
- 4 Dulcolax tablets (5 mg dosage each and make sure the label says bisacodyl) or get generic bisacodyl 5 mg.
- 2 bottles Magnesium Citrate
Start a clear liquid diet in the morning on your cleansing day. At 10 a.m. the morning of your cleansing day, take 4 Dulcolax tablets with an 8 ounce glass of any clear liquid and continue on the clear liquid diet.
Drink one full bottle of Magnesium Citrate at 2 p.m. Follow the Magnesium with followed by eight ounces of water or clear liquid and continue on the clear liquid diet.
Drink one full bottle of Magnesium Citrate at 7 pm. Follow again with eight ounces of water or clear liquid and continue on the clear liquid diet.
Eat normally the next day. However, use this as a chance to improve your eating habits. Consuming lots of pure water and fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding saturated fats, transfats, and red meat will promote good colon health throughout the year.