How to Do The Apple and Water Cleanse
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Apples
- Your body
The first thing you must do is strongly decide that you are going to do this and stick with it for three days. If you are doing this to loose a bit of weight, then weigh yourself. If you are doing this to clear up your acne, or improve your acne, then take before and after pictures.
Start this cleanse at 12:00am. If you go to bed earlier, then you can start at that time. Just remember the time you started.
From here, all you need is apples and water. The only thing you can eat is apples and the only thing you can drink is water.
Through these three days, eat as many apples as you want. Drink all the water you want or need. You generally need at LEAST eight cups of water a day.
After your three days are up, you can drink a cup of grape juice, just to get your appetite back to normal. Get on the scale and see how much weight you have lost.
Do not just jump to foods after your three days are over. Gradually work your way up. Start with softer foods like yogurt and oatmeal. Enjoy a cleaner body.