About Lemon Syrup Cayenne Pepper Cleansing
Followers of the cleanse create a lemonade concoction of freshly squeezed lemons, cayenne pepper, Grade B organic maple syrup and water. They drink the lemonade in place of food every 1 to 2 hours, or about six drinks a day.
The lemonade concoction gives cleanse followers the nutrients needed to go without food for 10 days. The maple syrup acts as a sweetener and helps maintain the body's metabolism. Burroughs specifically recommended Grade B syrup because of its higher mineral count and flavor. Fresh lemons, instead of lemon juice, was also recommended because of the lemons' enzymes.
Followers of the cleanse reported feeling lighter, having clearer heads and feeling more at peace. Many also reported losing more than 10 pounds on the cleanse.
Famous Ties
Singer Beyonce Knowles and radio host Robin Quivers both lost weight on the cleanse. Knowles lost about 20 pounds in preparation for her role in the movie "Dreamgirls." Quivers, who works with radio jock Howard Stern, lost 70 pounds.
While Burroughs recommended that followers stay on the cleanse for a minimum of 10 days, researchers warn against its prolonged use, saying that the body won't get the proper nutrients it needs.