How to Detoxify Your Body

When you detoxify your body you're doing it big favor. In this day and age of stress, processed foods and daily drama our bodies are depleted of energy sources. This why so many of us are wore out and can't seem to get enough rest. If we give our body a good detoxifying, however, it will come back to life!


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      It's not all that hard to detoxify your body, it's better than settling for a body that can hardly function anymore. After all, if you think about it our bodies really take a beating and deserve a little TLC!

      To begin the detoxifying process you need to start getting rid of foods and drinks in the diet that are toxic. You do this a little at a time, so that the body can adjust or else you can have withdrawals, usually in the form of headaches. You don't want that, so no cold turkey tactics.

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      Once you are rid of toxic food and drink you replace them with healthy fruits and vegetables, preferably organic. Think vegan! Drink only pure water and eat small snacks frequently so that you don't get hungry.

      Now that you're eating vegan you want to switch to fasting, which is not eating at all, at least not solid food. If you have a vegetable juicer this would be great, so that you can drink fresh juice.

      Some people eventually take it down to only water and herbal teas, but this is for the really disciplined healthy people who know they can hold up under this type of regimen. It's good to know your limitations.

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      As you go about daily life it may not be easy to detoxify your body, therefore, you might want to do it when you have time off. Some only do it for a weekend and others up to 7 days.

      Stress is toxic as well, so do your best to stay stress free. Additionally, it's good to exercise, but nothing strenuous or it could make you feel weak. Yoga is a good choice, since it's a stress reliever and relaxes both body and mind as well as feeds the spirit.

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      If you have access to a sauna or steam room you can eliminate more toxins this way. However, you don't want to overdo this it can make you light headed or dizzy.

      There are detox kits on the market with supplements that include herbal laxatives to naturally detoxify your body. You can get these online or at health food stores.

      How often to detoxify is up to the individual, some do it as often as every 3-4 months. If you've never done it now would be a good time to start.

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