How to Detox the Body Safely
Stop eating products that contain white flour. Replace them with green leafy vegetables instead. Broccoli has protein and many health benefits so you can start with that, but don't forget the hundreds of other green leafy vegetables that are out on the market as well. Be weary of detox diets that don't include vegetables and protein in them - they are often an unhealthy way of detoxing the body.
Stop eating sugar (candies, cookies, cakes etc). Sugar sabotages any healthy diet and increases inflammation in the body. Sugar also makes you tired. If you eliminate all simple sugars from your diet, you'll soon be amazed at how much energy and sleep you'll get.
Be sure to eat five small meals a day. Unhealthy detox diets may tell you to eat LESS each day, but if you want to maintain a good metabolism, you need to eat five small meals a day. This takes some getting used to, but trust me, when you replace white flour products with vegetables and stop eating simple sugars, you will want that small healthy meal every 3-4 hours. Be sure to eat a source of protein at EVERY meal (eggs, meats, nuts, etc) since protein is the one thing that will keep you full until the next meal. If you think of your plate in thirds, one third will be protein, one third vegetables and one third complex carbohydrates (sweet potato, whole grain wild rice, etc). Eat things that look like they just came from the farm or field - the more natural it is, the healthier it is for you. If you can afford organic foods, great, but it's not necessary. If you get a sweet tooth, put some blueberries/strawberries/other fruit in yogurt and sprinkle some toasted almonds on top.
Find an aerobic exercise you like to do - running, aerobics, elliptical etc. Typically you should exercise for 30-60 minutes, 3-5 times a week to stay healthy. Exercise is a great body cleansing routine!
Start weight training. If you've never lifted weights, check out the Resource links listed below to help get you started.
Avoid stress. I know, this is easier said than done, but if you can get rid of stress, your body will function better.
Get plenty of rest. You need at least 8 hours of sleep every night to function properly.
Drink lots of water. Water aids digestion and doesn't contain any sugar. Drinking a lot of water is one of the best body cleansing techniques.
Stop smoking and drinking. If you don't smoke or drink, great!
Finally, for optimal body cleansing, be mindful of things you use or put in your body. Ask yourself if you really need to use that pill or skin cream. There are tons of chemicals in man-made products that we need to protect our bodies from.