How to Body Detox
Try the Master Cleanse. It is sometimes known as the maple syrup diet. It may be popular with celebrities (even Beyonce has admitted to trying this regimen), but it was actually written in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs. This is a fast that uses lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water. Burroughs claimed that this could effectively be used to detox and for weight loss. Although none of his claims were ever proven--and he actually got in trouble with the law because he didn't have a medical license or proof to support the claims he made--some people swear by this cleanse. See the Resources section and talk to a healthcare professional if you think this might be for you.
Drink at least six 8 oz. glasses of water every day. You should aim for more to detoxify the body. While too much of anything isn't wise, drinking lots of water every day can really help to cleanse the body.
Do a colon cleanse. Since fecal matter and toxins can accumulate in the colon, it is a good idea to do a cleanse. You can get over-the-counter cleanses at nutrition stores that ask you to follow a certain diet and drink certain cleansing drinks or taking cleansing pills.
Get an enema. This is another method of colon cleansing. This involves purifying the colon, restoring balance to it and reaping benefits in a cleansed liver and tissues as well.
Do a juice fast. This is easier on the body than a water fast or the Master Cleanse. The idea is to have a high intake of vitamins, while also giving a rest to the body from having to digest solid foods. It is considered a good way to detox, although this has not yet been proven.
Work out. Sweat rids the body of toxins, and it is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
Try yoga. According to Gaiam, "Yoga, with its focus on systematically stretching and compressing every part of the body, is particularly well-suited to keeping the waste removal departments of the body functioning well."