About Internal Colon Cleansing and Detoxification
The colon, or large intestine, is responsible for digesting vital nutrients from the food you eat. Tiny worm-like appendages called villi line the interior walls of the colon, absorbing the chemicals you need and passing on harmful or toxic chemicals to be removed from the body in your stool. Poor eating habits or excessive eating can impede that process, however. Fatty foods or foods with a lot of salt or sugar in them can build up in the colon, reducing the effectiveness of the villi and increasing the harmful toxins in the body. That can cause additional problems in the liver and kidneys, as well as more embarrassing conditions, such as diarrhea, excessive flatulence and weight gain.
An internal colon cleanse helps to clear that kind of toxic build-up in the colon. The use of specific herbs or a high-fiber supplements taken as a drink scours the colon clean, passing waste products out of the body and allowing the colon to function more effectively. Liver function improves and impurities are removed from the bloodstream. But a colon cleanse must do more than simply clear out the waste. In the process, it may also remove many "beneficial" forms of bacteria which aid the colon in properly digesting food. Once you have detoxified through a colon cleanse, you should take floral supplements to help those bacteria grow back.
A poorly conceived colon cleanse doesn't take the colon's overall health into account. It simply purges the system of whatever is in it and does nothing to help restore the body's natural balance. If done too suddenly, it can actively damage the colon and even if it doesn't, the sudden and uncomfortable passing as a great deal of waste is a less than pleasant experience. A proper colon cleansing does the job gently, over time and with multiple uses of the drink or herbal supplement in question. It will also take the colon's "floral" health into consideration. Once the colon is cleansed, a probiotic supplement can be take to restore healthy bacteria and help the colon function at its best.
The cleanse itself usually involves taking the supplement or drink two or three times a day over the course of a week, a month or several months. The precise amount varies, but overall, a longer, more gradual colon cleanse is better. In addition to the cleanse itself, responsible colon detoxifying products will also stress a change in diet and lifestyle. Fad diets designed to detoxify quickly are far less effective than simple, long-term adjustments in what you consume. A reduction in fatty foods, such as fast foods, can help a great deal, as can increased consumption of healthy, high fiber foods, such as grains, fruits and vegetables (20 or 30 grams of fiber a day is recommended).
Expert Insight
Internal colon cleanses are relatively easy and can achieve the right results without a lot of undue expense. They should be thought of as medicine, however--even though they don't usually require a prescription--and you should speak with your doctor before you begin taking them. He may be able to suggest a particular brand which works well and can provide information on diet, exercise regimens and similar supplemental activities to help you gain the most out of the cleansing process.