Omega 6 Facts
Essential Fatty Acids
EFAs are crucial to the function of the immune and circulatory system. Low levels of Omega 6 directly influence blood flow and blood pressure. Other functions affected include the metabolism, sex organs and the brain.
Sources of Omega 6
Avocados are a good source of Omega 6. Avocados are an excellent source of Omega 6 and have higher levels of fat and fiber than any other fruit. Other sources of Omega 6 include oils, seeds and grains rich in linoleic acids, such as soybean oil, corn oil and safflower oil.
Deficiency Problems
EFA deficiency can result in poor skin health with difficulty fighting infections and healing wounds. The American Heart Association recently reported that caloric intakes containing 5 to 10 percent Omega 6 may reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease.
Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is characterized by dishes with whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish and healthy oil, and strikes a balance between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids.
The Centers for Disease Control cautions that all fats are high in calories, and therefore you should consume them in moderation. Diets that contain too much Omega 6 and too little Omega 3 can contribute to higher levels of diseases and disorders such as asthma and heart disease.