What Types of Diets Help With Allergies?
Introducing the Mediterranean Diet
There are certain foods that can actually help with allergies. Many different studies have been conducted, and all research points to the Mediterranean diet as one of the single most effective diets to combat allergies. Researchers found that the foods consumed in the Mediterranean region are extremely healthy and have positive effects on the respiratory system. These findings were published recently in Thorax Magazine. Researchers assessed the diets, respiratory conditions and allergic reactions of nearly 1,000 people in the Mediterranean. Results showed that the foods being consumed were very potent in combating asthma, respiratory allergies, rhinitis and even skin allergies. There are a number of different foods that are commonly found in the Mediterranean diet. Consuming these foods on a regular basis while cutting out other harmful foods can have a major impact on your allergies.
Cashews, peanuts, pine nuts, almonds and other nuts are all very healthy. Most nuts have a high amount of Vitamin E. This vitamin helps the body defend against cellular damage by neutralizing free radicals that can cause allergic reactions.. The report published in Thorax shows that children who eat nuts at least three to four times a week are much less likely to have problems breathing. Wheezing was greatly reduced as a result of eating nuts, because the magnesium in nuts protects against asthma and increases lung strength.
Red Grapes
Eating red grapes on a daily basis can help with allergies and asthma. Red grape skin contains very high levels of antioxidants and resveratrol. These nutrients reduce allergic rhinitis, cut down on respiratory inflammation and reduce wheezing.
Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. You can make a number of delicious dishes with tomatoes, and you will also be helping to reduce your allergies. Researchers from Thorax mentioned that allergic rhinitis and wheezing were often eliminated as a result of frequent tomato consumption.
Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system. The acidity of the orange is also a natural expectorant, helping to remove phlegm from the throat and lungs. Daily consumption of oranges is a key part of the Mediterranean diet.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is actually quite healthy. Many people think that all oil is bad because it has a lot of fat. However, there are good fats and bad fats. Olive oil is rich in healthy fats that help our bodies function better. Olive oil is a staple in the Mediterranean diet, and most dishes are prepared with at least a dash of this delicious oil.
Foods to Avoid
Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the harmful effects of the foods they eat on a regular basis. Fast food and even processed goods at your grocery store contain chemicals that can harm your body over time. Little by little, free radicals are introduced into your system. This can lead to the development of various allergies. Avoid fast food, junk food and soda. Stick to the foods mentioned here, as well as other vegetables and legumes whenever possible.