How to Lose Weight on the Mediterranean Diet
Things You'll Need
- Specific food list
- Weekly meal plans
- Discipline
Find a very specific meal plan that is designed around the Mediterranean Diet. There are some excellent diet books out about this diet, which works better than fad diets because it is a general eating plan with a lot of great food that help instill positive eating habits to replace the bad habits that led to weight gain in the first place.
Take a look at which foods you like most, and which least. For me, chicken is a more attractive option than fish, but for others that might not be true. Vary the types of oatmeal, yogurt, and vegetables that make up a heavy bulk of the Mediterranean Diet eating plan. Variety is always best to keep from getting tired of your eating plan, and there is enough variety of foods in the Mediterranean Diet that this should never be a problem.
Find a copy of the "Mediterranean Diet Pyramid." What's great about this is it lets you look at a glance at what types of foods you can eat and how often. This diet is particularly heavy in nuts, olive oil, cheese, yogurt, fruits, veggies, rice, pasta, grains, and potatoes are all daily foods that go along with six glasses of water, along with wine in moderation. Meat and eggs are eaten in moderation, making for a much healthier eating plan that can help the majority of people lose weight without the stresses that come with many diets.
The easiest way to handle shopping is to figure out a meal plan for one or two weeks at a time. This way you don't buy too much of food that you won't eat often (like red meat) and you will buy enough of food that are a main stay of the diet (rice, bread, yogurt, nuts, grains, etc). You'll be buying more fish and poultry, which means that buying these with a week or two of meals in mind can make it cheaper to buy in bulk, as well as easier to prepare.
The Mediterranean Diet is also referred to as Mediterranean Cuisine because this is a steady eating plan. With this plan you drink unlimited water (at least 6 glasses a day), moderate amounts of wine, and three meals and two snacks each and every day. Keep to this schedule and don't cheat, and don't skimp.
The Mediterranean Diet works for many reasons. It is low in fat in general, and extremely low in bad fats, full of healthy foods that have anti-oxidants, heavy water drinking, moderate wine for the heart, and honey replaces sugar. All these things work to help most people lose fat, and the excellent range of foods that you can eat will always keep this diet fresh.
Have fun with a Mediterranean Diet Cookbook and keep trying new dishes. You never know what you might find that is delicious and changes the way you look at eating in daily life. This is one of the healthiest diets in the world, and it only takes moderate activity (like daily 30 minute walks) with this eating plan to shed the extra pounds and to get into fantastic shape. Follow the Mediterranean and you won't be let down!