Success Rate for Weight Loss on Nutri System
NutriSystem is a portion controlled diet based on the glycemic index (which is a ranking of carbohydrates according to their effects on blood glucose). Although there is no hard evidence for a success rate, in 2005, Consumer Reports concluded that portion controlled diets were effective in guaranteeing weight loss. The NutriSystem diet incorporates some of the most successful characteristics of diets, but also has a few disadvantages which keep it from being a top rated diet.
Dieters rate flexibility as one of the most important characteristics for their success. The NutriSystem diet is not a "one size fits all diet." There are several different diet plans based on age and gender and even some specialized plans for those that are diabetic or vegetarian.
Portion Control
Portion control is one of the main factors in controlling your weight. With restaurants dishing up portions three and four times bigger than what a healthy serving should be, Americans have lost all sense of how much to eat. With NutriSystem, the portions are pre-packaged, taking all guesswork out of play. Another advantage is that you do not need to constantly count calories, which is a burden and one reason that many drop out of a diet plan.
No Deprivation
The NutriSystem diet is not based on deprivation. The diet includes all types of foods including carbohydrates, sweets and snacks. The meals are all low in fat, but provide enough calories to allow you to function without feeling tired and sluggish. And because your body is not being deprived you will not feel edgy and irritable.
There is not one perfect diet that is meant to fit all the needs of all people. The NutriSystem diet has great advantages especially for people who are busy and on the go a lot. However, there are certain disadvantages as well.
According to Consumer Reports, the two most important factors to diet success are flexibility and support. Although NutriSystem offers some flexibility, the support program is not up to par. NutriSystem is an online program and although you have access to counselors through phone or email there is no one on one, face to face contact to provide constant support. This is why Weight Watchers has a very high success rate.
The NutriSystem diet encourages dependency on prepared meals instead of teaching you how to prepare meals at home using fresh ingredients.
The NutriSystem diet does not have a specific exercise program. It does encourage exercise but you must take the initiative to create a program that works for you.