Calories in the Nutrisystem Diet
What many dieters prefer about the Nutrisystem plan is ease of use. The food is delivered right to the dieter's door, and traveling to the supermarket is only required to purchase supplemental items such as dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables. The meals come prepackaged and pre-measured, which eliminates having to measure portions or to decide what to include in a particular meal.
The amount of calories allowed per day depends on gender. Women are permitted to have 1,200 calories while men are limited to 1,500. There is no variance from this amount to allow for the weight of the individual or how quickly weight loss is desired to occur. Dieters choose from a variety of prepared meals from a menu found on the Nutrisystem website. The diet derives 55 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 25 percent from protein and 20 percent from fats.
Calorie Breakdown
A typical 1,200-calorie day might consist of the following: for breakfast, there would be a Nutrisystem entree, along with a serving of dairy or protein, and one serving of fruit. Lunch could include an entree and either a salad or a serving of protein. For dinner, an entree would be accompanied by a salad or a serving of fruit, and two vegetables, followed by dessert.
Cost and Delivery
Once the order is placed, a month's supply of meals is delivered to the dieter via postal mail. The cost of the program is about $10 per day, not including any nutritional supplements dieters may need to purchase on their own. In addition, the dieter will receive a behavior guide called "Mindset Makeover," which addresses the psychology of eating properly and provides emotional support.
According to Nutrisystem, dieters stay on the plan for an average of 10 to 11 weeks, when they typically reach their target weight. Dieters also receive a meal planner to help them decide what to eat and to track what they are eating and in what quantity. After dieters have met their weight goal, there is no program available for weight maintenance or guidance for resuming a "regular" eating plan.
Advantages and Disadvantages
One advantage of the Nutrisystem diet is that since meals are pre-planned, it may be easier for the dieter to follow and adhere to the program. This also helps eliminate the thought process, so dieters do not have to be worried about what to eat. A disadvantage is that because of the low calorie content, dieters may feel hungry throughout the day. Also, after dieters meet their weight loss goals and leave the plan, they may have difficulty adjusting to no longer having a strict regimen to follow. For some, this may lead to falling back into poor eating habits.