Problems With NutriSystem Foods
Many people do not like the taste of the NutriSystem foods. They are bland and leave a bad aftertaste that lasts the whole day.
Powdered Food
Some of the meals that NutriSystem offers are powdered foods. These meals need to be mixed with water. They are also tasteless and bland. People are left feeling a bit taken. Dieters think they will receive healthy, good food, then actually end up with a powdered dinner.
The big-portioned, delicious-looking meals NutriSystem advertises on television are not what you will receive in the mail. The ads mislead dieters into thinking they will be receiving these advertised foods.
Some of the Nutrisystem foods have things such as soy and other ingredients that cause people to have allergic reactions. Check the labels for any food allergy you might have.
NutriSystem foods cost around $8 a day for one person. That might not sound like a lot, but because the foods come in small portions and are tasteless, people think they are too expensive for what they receive.
Bad Return Policy
When a person decides she no longer wants to be in the NutriSystem program, she can cancel her subscription. But frequently, for at least another month, she will be charged and still receive food. NutriSystem will often tell people that they did not cancel in time to avoid the next month's fees.