NutriSystem Diet

NutriSystem is a diet program that has been in existence since 1973. On the NutriSystem program, individuals order pre-made meals from the NutriSystem website that are specifically formulated and proportioned to provide the ideal number of calories, fat grams, fiber and protein for weight loss. NutriSystem users can choose their own food from the NutriSystem food catalog and meals are delivered in 28-day supplies to their home.
  1. Variety of Plans

    • To effectively tailor their program for users, NutriSystem offers distinct plans for men and women. They also offer plans formulated for individuals over 55, vegetarians and diabetics.

    Reworked Recipes

    • NutriSystem designs breakfasts, lunches and dinners that are reworked recipes of favorite meals, like macaroni and cheese, pancakes and beef soup.

    Expected Weight Loss

    • Typical weight loss results with NutriSystem ranges between 10 and 15 pounds.

    Plan Additions

    • All plans can be can be augmented by certain grocery bought items, such as apples and eggs.


    • NutriSystem has come under criticism from users as being an unsustainable weight loss solution due to its very strict recipes and minuscule portion size.

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