How to Use the NutriSystem Mindset Makeover Behavioral Guide
Things You'll Need
- Membership to the NutriSystem site
- Copy of the "NutriSystem Mindset Makeover Behavioral Guide"
- Highlighter
- Journal and pen
Sign up for a membership at the NutriSystem website. Peruse the various diet options and choose the one that is the most appropriate for you.
Understand the limitation of the daily caloric intake. Men are expected to ingest no more than 1,500 daily calories while women will only receive 1,200. Many other diets focus on eliminating entire food groups instead of cutting down on the caloric intake. Those who have done those diets in the past require a short period of relearning.
Read through the "NutriSystem Mindset Makeover Behavioral Guide." It is designed as a 12-week course but can be taken at the dieter’s own pace.
Highlight areas and suggestions that jump out at you during a first reading. Take the pen and write down in your journal why you highlighted the particular passage. Do not dwell on it or seek out deep inner meaning but simply state factually why a particular passage struck you or hit a nerve.
Reread the "NutriSystem Mindset Makeover Behavioral Guide" with the understanding that it is designed to change the way you utilize food in the long term.
Pause after each of the 12 sections. Work through the thoughts, precepts and tips and apply them specifically to your own life. Now that you know what the whole guide is about and have also identified areas of special interest, you have a different frame of reference as you read on and work through the sections.
Write in your journal sentences beginning with “I.” Explain briefly how you will apply the concepts in the guide, specifically when they challenge you and what you can do to overcome the challenges.
Discuss problem areas with the health advisers whom you can contact for free after signing up for food deliveries. Using the "NutriSystem Mindset Makeover Behavioral Guide" and working through problem areas with the counselors is the single most important tip for success of the entire system.
Work on the creation of a practical meal planner that lists all of the ingredients and their nutritional values. Tailor them closely to the meals that are being delivered. Run them by the health advisers and see how they stack up against the guide as you continue working through it.
Set a goal that at the end of the 12 weeks you are able to wean yourself off the prepackaged food and go out and purchase food at the supermarket again, following the suggestions of the "NutriSystem Mindset Makeover Behavioral Guide."