How to Do the NutriSystem Women's Program
Things You'll Need
- NutriSystem Food
- Computer
- Telephone
- Internet
- Money
- Tape Measure
Take your measurements and weight to compare later on and chart your progress. You can measure arms, hips, thighs and waist or any other areas you would like to trim and tone.
Obtain the support of your family. Have someone else do the meal preparation for awhile or order the Nutrisystem Women's meals along with you. Have your family help plan meals as well and look over your personal meal planner that came with the Nutrisystem program.
Keep only healthy foods such as fresh fruits, grains and vegetables in the house so you are not tempted to cheat. You will need to eat these in addition to the prepackaged foods that are shipped in the Nutrisystem Women's Program.
Go on the Internet and order only the minimal amount of food to make sure you will like how it tastes. Some may not have the flavor or consistency you are used to. Nutrisystem ordering and information Link is found within this article. If you do not have the Internet, call 1-800-321-THIN to place your order or go on an auction website to see if you can get a deal on the Nutrisystem Womens Food.
Inspect the grocery list/eating plan and any other materials that arrive with your Nutrisystem food for the week.
Select entrees when placing your order that you know you will like. There is a wide variety. Do not expect to eat only these prepackaged Nutrisystem Womens plan meals. Nutrisystem food can help reduce your snack food cravings, as it has increased fiber and special nutrients.
Do the recommended exercises that come with your meals. They are designed for problematic areas as well as calorie burning, toning and trimming.
Join the online community for support and health tips. Use all of the tools and resources that the Nutrisystem Womens plan provides for you. This even includes 24 hour phone counseling, for example, answering the question of "what should I eat?"
Track your progress by making notes of how you look, how your clothes fit and if you have increased energy, strength or vitality after your first 30 days. Use a tape measure to see if you have lost inches.
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