How to Benefit From NutriSystem
Sign up on the NutriSystem website; there are several programs that may be right for you (see Resources below). Read each description and pick the one that will benefit you the most.
Get ready to shell out some money. The bare bones program is around $290 per month (in 2008). This is only the food that gets shipped to your house and does not include all of the suggested fruits and vegetables that you add in. When you think about what you spend in food per month though, the prices seem reasonable.
Receive your first shipment in a large, oversized box. Where do you put it all? I highly recommend storing everything together so you can choose the best food options for you each day. Also keep a close eye on your food. Family members may decide that the chocolate covered popcorn really does look delicious!
Take the time to really read through the materials sent to you. Read through the Mindset Makeover Guide and try out the exercise DVD. There are also counselors that can help you out via email or on the phone.
Design a menu program that works for you with the food that you ordered. Make certain that you add the fresh fruits and vegetables as stated on the program. If you don't your body will be missing critical nutrients and this may delay weight loss. Stick with it and watch the pounds drop off.