Candida Cleanse: Foods to Eat
During a Candida cleanse, vegetables should be the primary source of nutrition. Nearly all vegetables are allowed in as great a quantity as desired, except those with high sugar content. The yeast in Candida bacteria feeds off sugar to grow and should, therefore, be largely avoided. Vegetables with too much sugar to be consumed during the first week of a Candida cleanse include potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and winter squashes, such as acorn squash. After the first week on the cleanse--most cleanses last 14 to 21 days--these vegetables can be eaten in reasonable amounts.
Fresh fruits, because of their antioxidant properties and naturally occurring enzymes, are a dietary staple during a Candida cleanse. However, do not consume more than three servings each day because of the natural sugars in the fruit. Fresh fruits are best, although frozen fruits are allowed as long as they do not include any additional sugars. Check the package for a "no sugar added" label. Also, avoid dried fruits and fruit juices during a cleanse, as the sugars are concentrated and release too much sugar into the body at once. Although all fruits are allowed during a Candida cleanse, be judicious with bananas, as they have a higher concentration of sugars than other fruits, such as apples, berries or citrus fruits.
In order to help the body repair and rebuild itself during a Candida cleanse, it is important to introduce proteins in the body regularly. This can be done by eating a variety of meats, eggs and nuts. Nearly all meats are allowed, but avoid those that are processed and include additives, such as preservatives and sugars. These meats include sausages, hot dogs and lunch meats. Although dairy products, such as cheese and milk, can be a good source of protein, it is best to avoid these foods during a Candida cleanse because of their bacteria levels.