Natural Colon Cleansing Health for the Intestines
The colon is the last part of the digestive tract. It is where all the toxins and waste from what we have ingested get released. There are many ways to keep the colon healthy, including fasting and eating enough fruit and vegetables daily. Fiber is essential to maintaining a healthy colon. It is also advisable to drink eight to 12 glasses of water daily.-
The colon
The colon eliminates waste and toxins from the body. When the colon becomes blocked, waste begins to putrefy in there, turning it into a breeding ground for disease. When that occurs, toxins can't leave the body and they get reabsorbed. Symptoms of an unhealthy colon include constipation and diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, headaches, poor immunity and skin problems.
Fasting is one of the most effective ways to cleanse the colon. Traditionally it involves drinking only water for a set number of days until the cleansing is complete, but there are other fasts that can be helpful for cleansing the colon. Adding 1 tablespoon of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper to a cup of purified water creates an effective colon cleansing mixture. To do that fast, drink 12 glasses of the mixture daily for three to 10 days.
A fast that consists of fruit and vegetables is another popular way to cleanse the colon. Fruit and vegetables contain a high quantity of water, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. You can make fruit or vegetable juice or soup--whichever you choose, this type of fast is done for three to 10 days.
You can take herbs like marshmallow root, fennel and licorice root to encourage the cleansing and health of the intestines. A teaspoon of any of those herbs can be added to a cup of boiled water. Allow it to steep for three to five minutes and then drink one to three cups of the tea daily. Psyllium husk and flax seeds can also be used to cleanse the intestines. They are high in fiber and create a gel-like substance in the colon that sweeps it clean during waste elimination. A lot of water must be consumed when using these herbs, as they absorb a lot of water.
To keep the intestines healthy, clean and functioning well, probiotics are necessary as replenishment after a fast, in particular, and to assist with digestion, in general. Probiotics are the healthy bacteria, or intestinal flora, that aid in digestion and fight unhealthy bacteria. They can be found in yogurts containing live cultures, or in a concentrated form in supermarkets and drug stores.