How Many Calories Does a Strawberry Contain?
There are three types of strawberries: June-bearers, ever bearing, and day-neutral. June-bears are the most popular strawberries grown, and they ripen in June, thus the name. The ever-bearing variety is ready for picking in spring and throughout the growing season. According to Iowa State University, day-neutral strawberries grow best during the cooler months of the growing season. As long as weather conditions are ideal, this variety will bear fruit from June through September.
When you are looking for the best strawberries at your local grocer or farmer's market, there are a few things to consider. If you hand pick the berries, look for intense red ones with green leaves. If you are picking a package of strawberries, check carefully to make sure none of the berries are moldy. According to the University of Illinois Extension, if one berry is moldy, mold spores will be all through the package.
Strawberries have been growing for over two thousand years. Ancient Romans used strawberries for ailments such as gout, kidney stones, and fever. They also believed it prevented bad breath. According to Manzanita Berry Farms, the first European settlers in Virginia discovered strawberries in 1588. Since the early 1900s, strawberries have been grown in California. It is believed "strawberry" is derived from the original name "strewn berry" because the berries are strewn about on the plant as they grow.
According to the Cooper Institute, a cup of fresh strawberries has 43 calories. They are low in fat, high in vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, and potassium. Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in spring, and the only fruit to have seeds on the outside with about 200 each. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, we eat over three pounds of strawberries each year---and over 90 percent of American households eat strawberries.
Strawberries grow around the world---except in New Zealand and the continents of Africa and Australia. They are grown in all the 50 U.S. states and every Canadian province. According to Manzanita Berry Farms, California grows about 80 percent of the strawberries found in the U. S., while Florida grows the second highest amount. California strawberries are available from January to November and peak between March and May. Florida strawberries are available December through May.
Strawberries are high in vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging, and disease-fighting properties. They get their red color from the high amount of antioxidants, which make them ideal for fighting cancer. Strawberries also decrease age-related loss of cognitive and motor skills. Due to the fighting diseases of strawberries, they are recommended for health problems such as high blood pressure and the flu. Strawberries are also good for removing tartar on your teeth and, consequently, increase gum health.
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