What to Eat on a Rotation Diet
The Diet
On the diet, foods that are biologically related are rotated in a controlled fashion to determine food allergies and sensitivities. The rotation usually lasts four days, meaning a food or anything biologically related to it is not eaten again until four days have passed. Additionally, no food can be consumed more than once per day. For example, if milk is consumed at breakfast Monday, milk cannot be consumed again on Monday or until Friday.
Rotation diets help individuals identify and unmask foods they are allergic or sensitive to. A rotation diet may also prevent the development of new allergies. Often, repetitive consumption or over-consumption of a certain food can create an allergy. By rotating foods, this is completely prevented. Following this same understanding, the rotation diet may also allow an individual to regain tolerance of foods he or she was previously allergic or sensitive to. According to Dr. Lieberman, only 5 percent of all food allergies cannot be overcome. The rotation diet also provides optimum nutrition through consumption of a variety of foods, which also leaves the follower with feelings of satisfaction, helps prevents cravings and can aid in weight loss.
Day 1
During Day 1, enjoy bran, millet, rice, wheat products or wheat germ for breakfast, with a side of fruit such as grapefruits including grapefruit juice, limes, cantaloupes, honeydew melons, grapes including grape juice, and raisins, dates or kiwi fruits. Coffee and chamomile tea are also permitted. Eat vegetables and nuts for lunch. Artichokes, endive, escarole, mushrooms, all squashes except butternut squash, broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, kale, radishes, turnips and watercress are permitted. Cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and coconuts are also permitted. For dinner try one of the following meats: any pork product, lamb, deer, rabbit, bass, catfish, cod or shellfish, but absolutely no poultry including eggs. Lastly, for sweeteners, seasonings and oils, use rice syrup, date sugar, baker's yeast, cream of tartar, horseradish, allspice, poppyseed, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, canola oil or coconut oil.
Day 2
During Day 2, enjoy bananas, apricots, cherries, nectarines, plums including prunes, papayas or pears for breakfast, with a side of healthy fats such as avocado, peanuts including peanut butter, almonds or pecans with a cup of sarsaparilla tea. Eat vegetables and beans for lunch. Eggplant, beets, asparagus, leeks, onions, green string beans, carrots, sweet potatoes and parsnips are permitted. All legumes such as black, kidney, navy and soy beans and lentils are also permitted. For dinner eat flounder, halibut, herring, sardines, shad, white fish, sardines or poultry including eggs, but absolutely no meats. Lastly, for sweeteners, seasonings and oils, use beet sugar, honey, carob, chives, garlic, oregano, sage, anise, caraway, coriander, dill, fennel seed, red pepper, white pepper, avocado oil, peanut oil or soy oil.
Day 3
During Day 3, enjoy barley, corn including corn meal, kamut, oats, rye, spelt, wild rice for breakfast with a side of fruit such as mangoes, lemons, oranges including orange juice, tangerines, currants, watermelons, blueberries, cranberries including cranberry juice, or figs with a cup of comfrey tea, black tea, green tea or pekoe tea. Eat vegetables and nuts for lunch. Lettuces, butternut squash, cucumbers, zucchinis, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens and chicory are permitted. Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and pistachios are also permitted. For dinner eat beef including veal, goat, lamb, dolphin fish, tuna, mackerel, salmon, trout or caviar, but absolutely no poultry. Lastly, for sweeteners, seasonings and oils, use cane sugar, corn syrup, molasses, malt, rosemary, mustard seed, clove, cocoa powder, butter, safflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, olives or flaxseed oil.
Day 4
During Day 4, enjoy quinoa or buckwheat for breakfast with a side of fruit such as plantains, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, apples including apple juice, or pineapples including pineapple juice, with a cup of rosehip tea, peppermint tea, spearmint tea or tomato juice. Walnuts, pine nuts, sesame seeds and tahini are also permitted. Eat vegetables and beans for lunch. Spinach, Swiss chard, shallots, okra, celery, green peppers, pimento, potatoes, tomatoes, yams and alfalfa sprouts are permitted. Aduki beans, chickpeas, lima beans, mung beans, pinto beans and green peas are also permitted. For dinner eat sea trout, red snapper, swordfish, pike, yellow perch, black bass, turkey, eggs or hens, but absolutely no meats. Lastly, for sweeteners, seasonings and oils, use pure maple syrup, ginger, cinnamon, bay leaves, basil, marjoram, thyme, nutmeg, parsley, cayenne, chili powder, black pepper, vanilla bean and sesame oil.