Food You Can Eat to Bring Up Your Potassium Level
Bananas and Apricots
It is important to note that the daily recommended amount of potassium is 4,700 mg per day. Five full apricots will have 407 mg of potassium, while 1 cup of bananas will bring 594 mg of potassium to your diet.
Baked Potatoes
Baked potatoes are a good source of potassium on their own. One potato has 1,081 mg of potassium, nearly 25 percent of your daily value.
Many fail to realize that raisins are a good source of potassium. One cup of raisins has 1,089 mg of potassium.
Fruit, in general, is a good source of potassium. One cup of cantaloupe has 494 mg of potassium, while the same amount of honeydew has 461 mg.
One cup of tomatoes has 909 mg of potassium while 1 cup of spinach has 839 mg of potassium. One cup of lima beans is also a good source of potassium, with 955 mg.