The Status of Food Enzymes in Digestion & Metabolism
Many people lack a specific enzyme necessary to digest particular foods. People who are lactose intolerant, for example, cannot properly digest milk or milk products. Sugar and other carbohydrates cause problems for people who are galactose or fructose intolerant.
Gastrointestinal Problems
Gastrointestinal problems occur when there aren't enough enzymes to properly break down the amount or types of foods consumed. The typical American diet consists of cooked and processed foods, which contain only small amounts of active enzymes. Digestion must then be accomplished by the body's enzymes alone. This may result in reduced nutrient absorption as well as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramps and heartburn, according to Nutraceuticals World. It may also be a contributing factor to depression, fatigue, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, dull skin and premature aging, according to Better Nutrition magazine.
Many enzyme supplements are on the market today. Foods can also be used to aid digestion. Raw foods are naturally rich in enzymes, especially when eaten soon after they are harvested. Avocado is rich in lipase, the enzyme that digests fat. Miso, a fermented soy bean product and excellent flavor enhancer, is also rich in enzymes as long as it is not cooked. Peppermint tea, fresh ginger and devil's claw also may act as a digestive aid and are frequently used to alleviate indigestion.
Digesting Beans
The human body does not produce the enzymes needed to completely digest beans and some other complex carbohydrates. Bacteria in the lower gut use their own enzymes to feed on the undigested particles. Gases are a byproduct of this process.
Breastfeeding Benefits
Breast milk not only contains the proper proportions of protein, carbohydrate and fat, it also contains digestive enzymes not found in formula. This may be why breast-fed babies have fewer intestinal problems than bottle-fed infants, according to Odyssey magazine.