Spicy Baconator Nutrition Information
The Spicy Baconator has enough calories to make up for nearly half of your daily allowance of calories. There are 880 calories in every Spicy Baconator.
A Spicy Baconator has 85 percent of your daily allowance of fat, and 120 percent of your daily allowance of saturated fat, with 55 grams and 24 grams, respectively. There is also 2.5 grams of trans fat in every Spicy Baconator.
Those who are worried about their cholesterol should stay away from the Spicy Baconator. One burger has 67 percent of your daily allowance of cholesterol.
The Spicy Baconator is also bad for those who are worried about their sodium intake. There is 77 percent of your daily allowance of sodium in every Spicy Baconator.
The Spicy Baconator is a good source of protein. There are 58 grams of protein in every Spicy Baconator. This is 116 percent of your daily recommendation of protein.
While there are multiple negatives to the Spicy Baconator, it is a good source of iron. One Spicy Baconator has 40 percent of your daily recommended amount of iron.