Do Pizza & Chocolate Cause Acne?
Anatomy of Acne
Before delving into foods that might be related to acne, it is important to know what causes it. Acne usually begins with the skin. The manner by which skin is naturally shed can contribute to acne. When the shedding of the skin is uneven, it can lead to a breakout. Why? Because the unevenly shed skin tends to gather and cluster until it becomes a pimple.
There are many contributing factors to acne. Many of them have absolutely nothing to do with food. One major cause is hormones. Natural changes in the body that affect hormones cause acne to occur. Much of this happens during puberty, which is why teenagers are so prone to acne. Other contributing factors include bacteria and inflammation. Regardless of the cause, it is always helpful to eat a balanced diet, and keep the site of acne clean
Chocolate and Pizza
Neither chocolate nor pizza has not been shown to cause acne. It is never a good idea to overindulge in any sweet or fatty treat, but the occasional enjoyment of chocolate or pizza does not guarantee an acne breakout. Part of the myth associated with chocolate and pizza may have to do with their perception as oily foods. However, any oil that contributes to acne is already within the skin.
Acne Treatment
Regardless of what causes acne, there are many treatments that can make it better. In addition to monitoring your diet and regularly washing your skin, speak with a dermatologist about your options.
Acne Advice
If you do have acne, treat it according to your doctor's advice. Avoid squeezing or bruising the area. Using heavy makeup to try to cover up acnemay only make it worse by clogging the pores.