How Can a Teenager Increase Body Weight?
Weightlifting for Weight Gain
Lifting weights will undoubtedly add muscle and weight to a body. Teenagers going through high metabolic stages will find it difficult to add weight; however, by adding a proper weightlifting routine to their daily schedule, they can add weight to their frame. Home gyms, free weights or membership at a gym with weight lifting equipment will help. However, remember to follow protocol regarding form and not get too overzealous and overtrain.
Note: Consult a physician prior to any extensive weight training regimen, as the teen body adapts differently to muscle production than that of an adult.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best way to add weight to your frame. Sure, ingesting fast food twice a day and becoming lethargic will surely add pounds; however, this is not healthy nor satisfying. Teens should be aware of what they eat and how it affects their body. Proper exercise, weight routines and diet will pack on muscle and shed fat.
Meal Plans
Gaining weight comes from adding nutrients and calories to a teen's body. No matter how hard, how often and how properly teens lift weights, they will not add weight without also adding calories. Fitness expert Vince DelMonte has put together this sample 3,000-calorie meal plan, designed for weight gain:
8 a.m.
2 cups cottage cheese, light/low fat
3 cups bran cereal, all varieties
2 cups strawberries
1-2/3 tsp. olive, flax, hemp or salmon oils11 a.m.
8 oz. chicken breast, skinless
2-1/4 cups beans, green or yellow
1/4 cup black beans
1/2 cup chickpeas
1/2 cup cucumber
1 pepper (bell or cubanelle)
3/4 cup pasta
1-2/3 tsp. olive, flax, hemp or salmon oils2 p.m.
8 oz. tuna, canned in water
1 cup celery
1 cup cucumber
1 pepper (bell or cubanelle)
1 cup tomatoes
1 cup grapes
2 whole pita
2/3 tsp. olive, flax, hemp or salmon oils5 p.m.
8 oz. beef, lean cuts
2 cups potatoes
1-2/3 tsp. olive, flax, hemp or salmon oils
2 peppers (bell or cubanelle)
1/4 cup baked beans8 p.m.
4 oz. cheese, low or non-fat
2 cups blueberries
9 almonds, whole