Liver Cleaning Diet
Fasting Diet
The first several days of a liver cleaning diet involves fasting. By fasting, you allow your liver to clear away all of its toxins. Drink fruit juices, vegetable juices, water and chicken broth. Miso soup is a light enough soup to be able to eat. Try to stick to fruit juices that aren't loaded down with sugar. Choose a chicken broth that is low in sodium to avoid bloating. Refrain from drinking alcohol or caffeine while you are cleaning your liver. Drink at least 10 glasses of 8 oz water to clear out your system. Once you digestive system has received some rest, you are ready to introduce solid foods back into your meal plan.
Solid Foods
Choose foods that are high in fiber like whole grains, fibrous vegetables, legumes and fruits. Spinach, cabbage, Brussels spouts and kale are great for flushing out toxins. Have your pick from any legumes like pinto, black and navy beans. Wheat bread, whole grain pasta and oatmeal are perfect whole grain picks. Build healthy cells by eating the living enzymes in fruits and vegetables. Best if eaten raw, but if you have problems with the gas in vegetables such as broccoli then lightly steam them.
Other Foods
After several days of being on your solid food diet, incorporate fish and lean meats into meals. Foods like red meat, fried food, dairy, processed foods and fatty foods should be avoided while on this diet. If you are a vegetarian, start eating tofu, tempeh, and soy meat alternatives. Many on this diet begin to feel energized, light and a general sense of well-being. Stay on this diet for a week before returning to your normal eating routine. Numerous people have stayed with it for longer lengths of time, because they love the way it makes them feel. The liver cleaning diet isn't meant to be a weight loss diet or stayed on for a lifetime. It is important to get calcium during the diet due to the fact it omits dairy. Take a daily multi-vitamin to ensure you are getting proper nutrition. Expect the fasting portion to be difficult. Headaches, fatigue and brain fogginess are some of the most common symptoms, though many feel the pay-offs make up for their pain. Give your liver a chance to rejuvenate itself by going on a liver cleaning diet.