No Protein Diet
Vegetables & Fats
A serving of vegetables, in general half a cup, contains about 1 g of protein. This is generally true of fresh, frozen or low-salt canned vegetables. Sodium, in general, should be avoided by those whose doctors have placed them on a low protein diet. As such, avoid most canned vegetables and sauces, such as spaghetti sauce. Pickled foods, such as pickles, sauerkraut and beets should also be avoided. However, for salads, many dressings contain virtually no protein. Read the label. Margarine, gravy and mayonnaise are also virtually protein-free.
Fruits & Sugars
A serving of fruit, whether fresh, frozen, canned, dried or as a juice, contains virtually no protein. Except for dried fruit, a serving is half a cup. For dried, a serving size is one-quarter a cup. Most sweets, such as marshmallows, hard candies, jelly beans, mints, lollipops, jams and jellies, honey, sugar and gelatin have virtually no protein. Most beverages are relatively protein-free, including coffee, tea, lemonade, soft drinks and spring water.
Grains & Condiments
Most grains, usually in the forms of bread, cereal or pasta, contain a small amount of protein. In general, a serving size contain about 2 g of protein. Starches, in general, tend to have low amounts of protein. Be aware that some packaged goods, such as instant hot cereals, may be high in sodium. The best condiment choices include pepper, herbs, flavored powders (such as garlic), lemon juice and vinegar. Avoid the saltier condiments such as soy sauce, MSG, steak sauce, seasoned salts and meat tenderizers. Ketchup, chili sauce, barbecue sauce and mustard should also be avoided.