Sugar-Free Candy Nutritional Facts
Serving Size
The first section of the nutrition facts labels of a sugar-free candy will provide potential consumers with a serving size. The serving size will assist the potential consumer of the sugar-free candy with information of how large the recommended serving is so that they may accurately calculate the nutrients and vitamins in the servings they will consume. Knowing the serving size and amount per serving of each nutrient will allow the potential consumer to monitor his intake of each vitamin and nutrient accordingly. The serving size for sugar-free candy will be a certain amount of pieces; serving size will vary from one candy to another.
The amount of calories per serving on any sugar-free candy nutrition facts label is below the serving size. Just because a candy is sugar-free does not mean that it will be free of calories. Diabetics should be advised of that fact and be reminded to consider the calorie count per serving of sugar-free candy that they eat.
The second section of the nutrition facts label will list total grams of the listed nutrients in each serving size of the sugar-free candy. Total fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrates, dietary fibers, sugars, and protein will be listed in this section and servings will be listed in grams or milligrams. To the right of these amounts is the percent daily value of the nutrient, the percent daily value is based on a 2000-calorie daily intake.
Any vitamins that are in the sugar-free candy will be listed following the list of nutrients and the amount of the nutrient per serving. If vitamins are not included in the sugar-free candy, then this section of the candy nutrition facts label will not be present. Vitamins will be measured only by percent of daily value. Calcium and iron may be found in some sugar-free candies.
The ingredients in the sugar-free candy will be listed below the nutrition facts label and will be different from one candy type to another. The ingredients list will appear similar to regular candy, containing such ingredients as cocoa and flavored oils, citric acids, and coloring dyes. The difference in the list of ingredients in a regular candy and a sugar-free candy is the absence of sugar in the sugar-free candy. Instead of sugar, sugar alcohols such as sorbitol and lactitol are used to sweeten the candy.