Homemade Colon Cleansing Methods
When the colon becomes blocked, diseases can often occur, including cancer. The main symptoms of an unhealthy colon are, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains, headaches, fatigue, poor immunity and skin problems.
High fiber herbs such as psyllium husk and flax seeds can be added to the diet to encourage colon cleansing. They form a type of gel-like substance in the colon that acts as an intestinal broom, sweeping away all waste and toxins. It is important to be aware that fiber can absorb a lot of water from the body and it is essential to drink eight to 12 glasses of water daily.
Fruit and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants but also cleanse the intestines. Green vegetables in particular cleanse the body of toxins. Going on a fruit and vegetable juice or a regular fruit and vegetable fast is a popular way of cleansing the colon. These fasts often last seven to 10 days.The lemon honey cleanse is a powerful way to cleanse the colon. It involves combining 1 tbsp of honey, a pinch of cayenne pepper and the juice of half a lemon into a glass of purified water. Twelve glasses of this combination are consumed daily for 10 days and no other foods are eaten.
Maintaining intestinal health
Although fasting is the most efficient way of cleansing the colon, once it is cleansed, the intestines and intestinal flora need to be healthy so that the colon functions well once the regular diet is reintegrated. Probiotics are the live healthy bacteria that keep the intestines healthy and balanced. These can be found in fermented food such as yogurt that contains live cultures. It can also be bought in a concentrated form, from supermarkets and drug stores.
Marshmallow root, fennel and licorice root tea are all helpful for cleansing the stomach and lining the intestine walls. Add 1 tsp. of any of those herbs or a mixture of those herbs to a glass of boiled water. Allow it to steep for three to five minutes. Strain the tea and drink. Take 1 to 3 cups of the tea each day.
Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any supplements or doing any fasts.