Natural Body Cleansing Methods
Fasting & Cleansing
Fasting is the most popular way of cleansing the body. There are many types of fasts. In the traditional sense, only water was allowed to be consumed on a fast. Water is the most important element of any type of cleansing. Eight to 12 glasses of water should be consumed each day to stay healthy and clear.
Fruit and vegetable fasts are a common way to cleanse the body. Sometimes only the juice is used for a fast and sometimes the whole fruit or vegetable is eaten. The chlorophyll in green vegetables helps to eliminate toxins from he body, and the high water content in fruit flushes the intestines.
The lemon honey cleanse involves mixing 1 tablespoon of honey, a pinch of cayenne pepper, a pinch of salt, with the juice of half a lemon squeezed and mixed with purified water. Lemon acts as a cleanser, honey assists with digestion and cayenne pepper assists with elimination. Eight to 12 glasses of the mixture is drank each day of the fast and no other food or drink besides water can be consumed. The fast goes for 10 days.
It is important to take probiotics after a fast. Concentrated formulas can be purchased from drugstores and supermarkets. Probiotics can also be found in yogurt, but you must be sure the yogurt specifies that it contains live cultures.
Drinking a tea each day will also help to cleanse the organs and the body. Dandelion root tea is a powerful cleanser of the liver and kidneys. Fennel, marshmallow root and licorice root are very cleansing for the stomach, lungs and intestines. Place a teaspoon of any of these herbs or a mixture of these herbs in a cup of boiled water. Allow it to steep for three to five minutes, and then strain it and drink it. One to three cups of the tea can be taken daily to cleanse the organs and improve their functions.
There are cleansing herbs such as psyllium husk and flaxseeds which are very high in fiber and support colon cleansing. They form a gel in the colon that picks up any waste and toxins and eliminates them from the body. It is recommended that these be taken in the morning and it is important to keep in mind that these fibers absorb water and need water to work. An increase of water must be consumed.
Consult a doctor before undergoing any fast or taking any supplements.