What Nuts Lower Cholesterol?
Understand Cholesterol
Not all cholesterol is bad. Understanding which is which can help you make better lifestyle choices. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in blood lipids. It helps form cell membranes and some hormones. Cholesterol can't dissolve in the blood. It has to be transported by lipoproteins, hence, the last L in LDL and HDL. LDL cholesterol tends to clog arteries while HDL cholesterol is an effective mover of cholesterol. When you are tested, both types of cholesterol will be measured individually and as a total. Your doctor won't be concerned if your HDL is high, only the LDL.
Make Dietary Changes
Animal-source foods (meats and dairy products) contain cholesterol. Plant-source foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes) contain no cholesterol. A cholesterol-lowering diet should include as much plant-source foods as possible and minimal animal-source foods. Any animal-source foods in your diet should be low in fat. Seek to limit your daily cholesterol intake to 300 mg or less. If you already have high cholesterol in your blood, strive for even lower limits.
Include Nuts for Protein
Nuts are plant-sourced so they are good for lowering cholesterol, but they are also high in protein. This is of benefit if you are following a cholesterol-lowering diet because the protein can help replace the protein you might not be getting if you are watching your meat intake. They contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which is good for your diet.
Nuts Are High in Unsaturated Fat
Nuts can contain high levels of fat, but it is generally unsaturated fats, which is fat the body can use. Because nuts are from a plant source, they will also help lower your LDL cholesterol. The best nuts will be high in unsaturated fat and low in saturated fat. Some of the best nuts for lowering cholesterol are almonds, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and pecans. Farmers have even developed types of peanuts called high-oleic peanuts. These peanuts have even greater amounts of unsaturated fat and lower saturated fats than normal peanuts.
Nuts to Avoid
Macadamia and Brazil nuts have high amounts of unsaturated fats, but they also have higher levels of saturated fats. Still, if the choice is between these nuts and chips, the nuts are still the better choice.
How Much Do You Need?
The Food and Drug Administration gave many types of nuts a "qualified health claim" in 2003. The FDA also allowed the packagers of these nuts to include this claim: "Eating a diet that includes one ounce of nuts daily can reduce your risk of heart disease."