Lipo 6 Exercise Plans
Gym Cardio Workout
To maximize the amount of weight lost with the amount of time spent in the gym, utilizing the High Intensity Interval Training method, or HIIT, will dramatically increase your heart rate to burn stored body fat.
This cardio routine can be performed on a treadmill, elliptical machine or stationary bicycle. Since you control the intensity of this exercise, it is ideal for those who need an easy or advanced workout. Prior to starting this cardio exercise, spend 5 minutes warming up the body by jogging or cycling with no resistance.
After you have warmed up your body, begin the HIIT exercise by briskly cycling or jogging for 30 seconds. After the initial 30 seconds, increase the intensity by sprinting or cycling fast for 30 more seconds. Repeat this cycle of medium-intensity to high-intensity intervals until you have completed 8 cycles of each. Once the cycles have been completed, cool down for 7 minutes by breathing deeply, removing all resistance from the cardio machine and lightly walk or cycle.
Dumbbell Exercise Routines
While cardiovascular training is vital for any weight loss program, weight training is just as important. By regularly fatiguing your major muscle groups, they will rebuild themselves becoming larger and stronger. The more muscle mass that your body has, the more calories you will burn throughout the day. Always consult your physician before starting any weight-bearing exercise routine.
This exercise will engage not only the chest muscle groups but also the triceps, biceps and shoulders. Begin this exercise by choosing a weight that will fatigue your chest muscles within 15 repetitions. Perform this movement on a weight bench or on the floor, whichever is available to you.
Start the movement by lying on your back. Bring the dumbbells directly above your chest with palms facing each other. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells toward the floor while keeping a slight bend in your elbows and your lower back pressed firmly against the floor. Stop your arms when they are 4 inches above the ground and then return them to the starting position. Repeat this movement for 15 repetitions, rest for 1 minute and then perform 3 more sets of 15 reps.
The next exercise targets your lower body and can be performed with or without dumbbells. If you decide to use weights, choose two dumbbells that are challenging but not excessively heavy. Hold the weights by your side with your palms facing your hips. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and keep your back straight and chest up. Squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, ensuring that your knees do not go past your toes. At the bottom of the squatting motion, pause for 3 seconds and then return to the standing position. Perform 20 repetitions within this exercise.