Diet for Healthy Skin & Hair
Fish and Other Essential Fatty Acid Foods
Fatty acids are good for both the skin and the hair. They cut down on inflammation under the skin that causes acne and even adult rosacea. Essential fatty acids are found in almonds, salmon, tuna, hazel nuts and other various fishes and nuts. Fatty acids found in fish can also benefit the shine of your hair. Fish also carry proteins, which can help repair the damage to your hair also. Since hair is comprised of proteins that need to be fed daily, eating fish and nuts once a day can be useful for hair health.
Olive Oil
Oils are always good for hair health, but they are also good for the skin too. Many women who avoid fats in their diets miss out on important moisture for their skin. Having just two tablespoons of oil per day will provide enough lubrication for skin and will help prevent premature aging. In addition to its topical benefits, olive oil works internally as well to promote shine and moisture in the hair and scalp. Adding an olive oil-based salad dressing to your salads is a simple, healthy way to feed your skin and hair.
Dark Green Vegetables
Broccoli and spinach are two green vegetables that benefit both the skin and the hair. They are good sources of Vitamin A, which helps produce the sebum needed for healthy hair. Vitamin A helps prevent premature aging on the skin, which is good, seeing as Vitamin C (also found in the green veggies) makes your skin more vulnerable to the sun's aging rays
Whole Grains
Whole grains provide iron, zinc and B vitamins for your hair growth and energy, but they are also a good alternative for the skin. Simple carbohydrates, usually found in starches and white flour, can actually bring on acne. Substituting with whole grain pastas and breads will significantly reduce the insulin spike that causes acne.